Candidate and Tax Measure Forums October 4th and 6th at Truckee Town Hall
September 23, 2022
Two candidate forums have been announced for October 4 and October 6 to enhance voter education and participation in the November 2022 election. The forums are sponsored by the Truckee Chamber of Commerce, the Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe Political Action Committee, and the Tahoe Sierra Board of Realtors, along with media partners Tahoe Truckee Media-Channel 18, Moonshine Ink, and the Sierra Sun.
The forums will be held at Truckee Town Hall Council Chambers from 6:00-8:00 pm both evenings, and will be broadcast live on Channel 18 and live-streamed on, and will rerun frequently until the election on Nov. 8. The candidates will answer questions submitted in advance as well as live audience questions.
The first forum on October 4 will feature the Truckee Tahoe Airport District Board of Directors candidates, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District (TTUSD) Board of Directors candidates, and Measure V – the Nevada County 1/2 cent sales tax proposed for wildfire prevention, emergency services, and disaster readiness. There are two seats open for the Truckee Tahoe Airport District board, and four candidates vying for those seats. For TTUSD, there are two candidates for one seat in Trustee Area 1 and two candidates for one seat in Trustee Area 4. Pro/con statements for Measure V will be presented and representatives will answer audience questions. You can view the September 13th Good Morning Truckee for information about Measure V from Nevada County Emergency Services Director Craig Greisbach. The Measure V information begins at 47:42 with and introduction from Truckee’s Nevada County Supervisor, Hardy Bullock.
The second forum on October 6 will feature the Truckee Town Council, Tahoe Forest Hospital District, and Truckee Sanitary District (TSD) Board of Director candidates. For Truckee Town Council, there are three seats open, and four candidates running. The Tahoe Forest Hospital District has one two-year term seat available with two candidates vying for that seat and TSD has three seats open, and four candidates running.
Residents can email questions to Moonshine Ink in advance of the forums. Send questions to Please put “Candidate Forum Question” in the subject line. Questions will be submitted to the candidates anonymously. The deadline for emailed questions is the day before each forum. Staff members from Moonshine Ink and Sierra Sun will present the questions to candidates and tax measure speakers. Questions asked may be a compilation of questions received on a given topic.
Tahoe Truckee Media-Channel 18 will broadcast reruns of the forum frequently at a later date.