Town of Truckee Launches Organizational Assessment

Town of Truckee Launches Organizational Assessment

May 25, 2024

The Town of Truckee has contracted with Baker Tilly to conduct an independent, best practices review of their local government agency. The Organizational Assessment, which analyzes three key service delivery components – people, processes, and systems – kicked off with in-person staff interviews on May 14, 2024.

Town Manager Jen Callaway believes the Organizational Assessment is a responsible
next step for the relatively young organization. With their extensive experience in
California and local government, the project team from Baker Tilly will help the Town
strategically organize, staff and implement processes that will enhance service
delivery to the community. She affirms, “Baker Tilly’s team brings a wealth of
experience in our operational areas. Their professional public service lens will provide
recommendations that will help to shape and guide our organization for the next 30
years. This is a golden opportunity for our Town organization to thoughtfully prepare
for the future.”

Baker Tilly employs a comprehensive approach to understanding the work of the
organizations they assess. They will conduct internal interviews; facilitate community
and stakeholder engagement sessions; analyze the Town’s business processes,
service delivery methods, staffing levels and structures and policies; and perform
equivalent agency comparisons. This thorough examination will ensure that all
aspects of Town operations are assessed.

“We work in partnership with the local government to conduct the review, focusing on
practical recommendations that can be implemented. We help the organization look
to the future, learn about best practices in other agencies, and position itself for
providing the right services in the best possible ways,” noted Baker Tilly in an
introductory statement to Town staff and elected officials.