Truckee Core Values Fund Guidelines

September 10, 2023

The Truckee Core Values Fund awards marketing grants to local nonprofits who are producers or beneficiaries of events occurring within the Town Limits of Truckee and that highly align with at least one of Truckee’s five core values:

  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Family-Friendly
  • Natural Beauty
  • Community-Minded
  • Arts. Culture, and History

Grant Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Grants are for events that are located in Truckee town limits that have received any/all necessary permits in place before the event happens from the Town of Truckee or other agencies as legally required.
  2. Event must clearly align with at least one primary Truckee Core Value.
  3. Event must have a proven track record of engaging a diverse spectrum of the Truckee community (including second homeowners) or be a strong/compelling new program that will accomplish high local citizen attendance and/or participation as a new event. 
  4. Events can occur any day of the week, year-round between January 1st, 2024 through December 31st, 2024.
  5. Applicants must be a nonprofit organization, and if not, provide proof of partnership with a nonprofit organization as a beneficiary with an explanation of how any grant funds or event proceeds will be distributed to that entity.
  6. Applicant organizations and/or the nonprofit benefitting organization can be located outside of Truckee town limits.
  7. Applicants will be asked to explain what they intend to do with the grant funds in regards to the costs of event marketing.
  8. Grant recipients will be required to sign an Event Agreement that includes:
    • Primary event marketing materials (printed, such as posters, rack card, etc.) before and during the event (banners, etc.) must include logos of Town of Truckee, Truckee Chamber of Commerce, and Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation listed as event sponsors OR supporters.
    • Online event marketing (website event listing and Facebook event listing) must display logos OR include as text, “Supported by Town of Truckee, Truckee Chamber of Commerce, and Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation.”
    • Recipients will be required to sign an agreement releasing the Town of Truckee, Truckee Chamber of Commerce, and Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation of event liability.
  9. Events are not guaranteed to be funded every year. Demonstration of meeting funding guidelines the previous year will be key in seeking funding again.
  10. Application cycle begins October 19, 2023 and ends November 17, 2023. Apply through the TAHOE TRUCKEE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION’S ONLINE GRANT SYSTEM: Once a new user creates an account, the user will be able to select “Choose a Process(es),” select the Truckee Core Values Fund, and begin the application. Existing users will see the “Truckee Core Values Fund Process in the “Choose Process(es)” section once logged in and can choose the process and begin the application.
  11. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s funding decision by mid-December 2023.
  12. The Truckee Core Values Fund anticipates grant awards of $500 – $2000.