The safest way to gather is to spend time with people in the same household or to gather virtually.
There is a key link between indoor social gatherings and COVID cases. The Town of Truckee, Tahoe Forest Health System, Truckee Chamber of Commerce and Truckee Downtown Merchants Association have said that “contact tracing has determined that a lot of these interactions were in or outside family homes with people that they felt comfortable with, and may have relaxed those important safety precautions (particularly face coverings and social distancing). Although these informal gatherings and socializing may feel normal, they are the cause of the increase and spread we are currently seeing.”
Can I get a group of friends or family together at my home?
Small private gatherings are allowed outdoors with the following modifications:
- Masks and physical distancing required
- No more than 3 separate households attend (including the host’s)
- Gatherings should be 2 hours or less
- Those with symptoms must not attend
- Those at high risk of severe illness strongly encouraged not to attend
- Singing, shouting, chanting, cheering, or exercising strongly discouraged